Antipsychotic drugs, or simply antipsychotics, are a group of drugs that are primarily used to treat schizophrenia, mainly in schizophrenic psychosis, but also in various other mental disorders. Typically, they are the mainstay along with other mood stabilizers in the treatment of manic depression. The term was first coined by the British psychiatrist Sir James Burns in 1835. Since then, the word antipsychotic has been expanded to include a wider range of drugs and hence has come to include drugs such as Risperdal, Abilify, Tegretol, and Vistabel, among others.
The most well-known antipsychotic drugs are risperdal (the generic name for the antipsychotic drug olanzapine) and clozapine. They are usually taken in pill form, but injections can also be given. The side effects of these two types of drugs are mainly related to long-term use, which can sometimes lead to severe withdrawal symptoms.
However, there are some minor or non-essential antipsychotic drugs that are less commonly used and are more widely available in both prescription and over-the-counter forms. Some of these include olanzapine and chlorpromazine, both of which are given along with antipsychotic medications.
There are other non-essential antipsychotics such as clonidine, atypical antipsychotics such as atypical antipsychotics and clozapine, and even antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) such as Elavil, Prozac, and Zoloft. If you've recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia and your doctor suspects that you have a nonspecific mental illness, such as bipolar disorder, they will likely prescribe you one of the main antipsychotics.
There are some side effects of these drugs, which need to be considered before deciding whether they are suitable for you, especially if they are prescribed for long term treatment
They include the risk of serious liver damage and the risk of suicidal thoughts.
For some people, the risks of these drugs can be tolerable, and in some cases, they work to improve their condition, in that they reduce the frequency of psychotic episodes and cause fewer relapses, while improving the patient's quality of life in terms of improved sleep, social functioning, as well as decreased emotional instability. but there are certain situations where these drugs are not recommended. for example, when you are already taking any antidepressant medications and when you have had some psychotic episodes before. or after a psychotic episode has happened, or when you have been on anti-psychotic medication for a long time, or when you have diabetes, because some antipsychotic medications may make it more difficult to take other medication for other diseases, such as anticonvulsants, because of its diuretics. Some patients with epilepsy also have to be under medical monitoring for long periods of time when using these medicines, to prevent the risk of seizures and mania.
For some, the risk of death associated with the use of antipsychotic drugs may outweigh any benefits, due to the risk of cardiac arrest, breathing difficulties, and an increased risk of suicidal thoughts, even when taking these medications under a doctor's care for long term use. You should talk with your doctor before starting any kind of treatment to find out what kind of risks may be involved in your treatment.
Be aware that the risk of death may increase even if you are taking these drugs under medical supervision. but, even if you follow the doctor's orders, you should not stop taking them abruptly because they are very powerful. if you feel better, because you think that you can't cope with them anymore without taking more, you should not stop taking them until you are sure that your condition has stabilised again. If you suffer from the side effects of antipsychotic drugs, see your doctor immediately. If you decide to stop taking your medicine because of the risk of side effects, you should avoid alcohol, as it makes the drug more concentrated and increases the chance of side effects. in addition, many antipsychotic medicines, including those used in schizophrenia, will increase the risk of liver damage. if you stop taking these drugs, or the risk of side effects, you should try alternative treatments first. even though you are taking these medicines. you may need to stop taking them for several weeks or months to recover your health. s before you can return to normal. as they do interact with other medications. in addition, if you have any kidney problems, it may be advisable that you stop taking these drugs. for a few days before you decide whether you need to start taking them again.