Piles are small formations in and around the rectum (anus). Sometimes they go away on their own, sometimes they develop into painful tumors that cause a lot of discomfort. There are several ways to prevent and heal piles. Check out the helpful tips in the following information.
Piles are of two types: internal and external. Internal piles usually develop over time and usually go away on their own. Internal piles are actually caused by stress in the anal area. Some common causes of internal piles include excessive stress during bowel movements, pregnancy, and aging. If these are internal piles, check with your doctor to make sure the symptoms are not more severe than they appear.
External piles are those that appear out of nowhere. Because of them, someone may be ashamed to go to the toilet. You may have external piles that don't seem to give you much of a problem. But there may be internal piles behind the outer ones that are just waiting to become a bigger problem. They can also be painful and you should talk to your doctor immediately if you notice them developing.
One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. This can weaken the veins surrounding the anus and thus increase the pressure on the rectal wall. When this happens, the walls of the anus cannot absorb feces properly. The resulting pressure can lead to enlargement of the rectal walls and, ultimately, to the formation of a lump or protruding hemorrhoids.
Natural cures for piles are very common and widely used today. You should make sure that you are using natural treatments. While there are natural remedies for piles available on the market, it is important to keep in mind that it is possible that you are allergic to one or more of these ingredients. You should consult your doctor before attempting a treatment. Natural treatments for piles should not cause a great deal of discomfort, but they should not cause severe itching either.

There are several herbal products that have been proven effective against piles
One of the most popular herbal remedies is witch hazel. Other herbs that have been used in many herbal remedies are horse chestnut root, slippery elm and hyoscyamus. These can work well to relieve the itching associated with piles as well as to provide relief from pain.
Apple cider vinegar is also known to be a good remedy for piles. Drinking two cups a day of the vinegar can help to reduce the swelling and inflammation caused by piles. You can also soak a cotton pad in the vinegar and then apply it directly onto the piles to relieve the irritation.
It is important to understand that there are many different ways to relieve piles, including topical creams and suppositories, so it is a good idea to read up on the different remedies before buying an anti-pile cream or suppository. Make sure that you check with your doctor about any treatments before using them, as some can be too dangerous to use on your anus.
Another type of natural cures for piles is acupuncture. This method works by increasing the flow of blood into the area of your body affected by piles. Because of this, the skin around your piles will tighten up, reducing the irritation and pain that you are experiencing. It is important to ensure that you consult your doctor before beginning to take part in this method.
Garlic and other spices are also often used to treat piles. Because they can help to reduce swelling, you can use garlic capsules to treat a bulge as well as using it topically on the area to reduce irritation. The smell and taste of garlic is believed to be effective in soothing inflamed skin. Garlic can be applied to the affected area, or it can be eaten as a snack.
There are also other ways to relieve the pain associated with piles, such as applying heat or ice packs to the affected area. You can also use natural remedies for piles through dieting. Eating foods rich in zinc can help to eliminate the buildup of blood and promote healthy circulation around the area of the rectum. Eating foods high in calcium can help to reduce the symptoms associated with piles as well.