A number of health problems occur due to hypothyroidism, but in many instances, a person only experiences mild symptoms
Mild hypothyroidism is a common occurrence in adults and it doesn't need any medical treatment or intervention at all. However, there are certain conditions that can develop as a direct result of having hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is a condition whereby the thyroid gland produces too little hormone for maintaining normal body functions such as: normal heart rate, normal body temperature and normal production of antibodies that fight infection. The low thyroid hormone level in the body is the result of a deficiency of the thyroid hormone produced by the pituitary gland. This can cause a number of serious health problems, especially if it affects the kidneys and adrenal glands.
Many thyroid patients are reported to experience some of the following symptoms: loss of appetite, weight gain, increased blood pressure, and irregular urination. Other conditions associated with hypothyroidism include depression, anxiety, fatigue, and irritability. It has been found that hypothyroid patients tend to have low levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which can contribute to a weakening of the immune system and an increase in allergic reactions. In addition, because of the reduced resistance of the body to infections, a person suffering from hypothyroidism is more susceptible to developing urinary tract infections.
Many thyroid patients are advised to take synthetic hormones instead of natural ones, but this approach has a number of side effects, such as muscle cramps, heart palpitations, jaundice, and skin rashes. Instead hypothyroid patients should be treated with natural thyroid hormones. These include: iodine, calcium, iodine supplements, vitamin D, and L-thyroxine. Most of these ingredients are readily available and affordable, and can be combined to form a personalized treatment regimen for each patient.
Hypothyroidism is usually treated with medications taken by mouth or injected into the body to alter the activity of the thyroid disease. If you want to get rid of the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism, you need to take the same type of medication over a period of time.
Another way of treating hypothyroid patients is through natural hormone replacement therapy. This means that doctors usually administer synthetic hormones, which are manufactured with synthetic hormones in them, in order to increase the production of a hormone in the body. This type of treatment is more expensive than other treatments and is best used by those who don't have much money and wish to treat their condition as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
In addition to treating the hypothyroid condition, this type of treatment also increases the production of thyroid stimulating hormone in the thyroid gland. This in turn stimulates the body's own production of thyroid hormone, restoring normal function to normal.
While some of the symptoms discussed above are considered mild, there are still some thyroid patients who experience some complications as a direct result of having hypothyroidism. Because these complications can be quite dangerous, most thyroid patients are recommended to seek treatment from a licensed physician.
Some of the side effects of hypothyroidism include: depression, dizziness, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, heart palpitations, nausea and low blood pressure. Other complications include: skin rashes, bone pain, muscle aches, liver problems, osteoporosis, impaired sexual functions and nervousness. In some cases, hypothyroidism may lead to kidney failure. In addition to side effects, hypothyroid patients may also experience joint pain, constipation, headaches, poor circulation, and insomnia.
Hypothyroidism is not a disease but rather a result of an imbalance in the levels of thyroid hormone in the body, which may occur due to genetic predisposition, excessive iodine in the diet, overuse of synthetic hormones or pregnancy. In general most hypothyroid patients are advised to follow a healthy lifestyle and consume enough potassium and salt to avoid excess potassium buildup in the body.
Thyroid patients who use synthetic hormones will have a much greater chance of getting hypothyroidism if they are unable to keep their thyroid gland functioning at its optimum level. Doctors normally recommend that this happens if the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormone. Hypothyroid patients who have had a major thyroid surgery, radiation therapy, or an autoimmune disorder are more prone to this kind of hypothyroidism. The good news is that hypothyroidism usually disappears over time, although it does require frequent monitoring and medical supervision.
In most cases, thyroid patients can live a healthy and normal life if they eat right and keep their thyroid gland functioning at an optimum level. In some rare cases, hypothyroidism can lead to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and even death.